Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Oral Care

Although, there are lots of serious diseases in this world, but, when you talk about painful diseases then you can find nothing as excruciating as toothache and teeth diseases. There are lots of diseases associated with teeth, but, gum diseases are more common than others. Almost all of the teeth related problems occur because of bacterial action. So, it is of utmost importance to take such steps that may help you to clean your teeth in the right way.

Cleaning is the most important thing that will help you to stay away from dental diseases. In terms of cleaning, you will have to decide about a toothbrush and a tooth paste. For toothbrush, it is better to go with a brush that may be putting just about perfect pressure on your gums. You must always keep in mind that a right toothbrush can help you to avoid certain gum diseases. So, do take your time before actually buying a toothbrush. Here, you must also understand the right way of cleaning your teeth.

A tooth has five surfaces; back, front, two sides and chewing surface. You must place bristle tips on your gums at 45 degrees as this will help you to clean the gums in a right way. Bristles should be moved in a back and forth motion in short strokes. After dealing with gums, you can proceed with rest of the cleaning.

Here, one thing is worth mentioning that you must apply toothpaste without wetting your toothbrush as this will work in a better way to remove plaque. Also, you can use a small headed toothbrush to clean those areas which are hard-to-reach. So, these are the small things that you must keep in mind while cleaning your teeth.

Apart from cleaning your teeth in the right way, you must also try to keep an eye on the food that you eat. If you will be eating foods having too much sugar, then you will have to face different dental problems. So, stay away from eating such foods which may be having excessive sugar. It is not only harmful for your teeth, but, it will also make you gain excessive weight. Also, it is better to stay away from chocolates as they come with excessive sugar.

 Instead of using such sugary products, you must use fruits and vegetables along with things having calcium which is essential for your teeth and bones. So, you can also make things better for you by staying away from sugary products and eating natural products.

There certainly is no doubt in the fact that dental diseases are not life threatening, but, the pain that is associated with dental diseases can really make your forget the rest of the world. So, you must take right steps at right time to keep yourself away from experiencing the pain that comes with dental diseases. So, clean your teeth in the perfect way along with having balanced diet as this is the only way to stay away from painful dental diseases.
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7 Oral Care Tips That Dentists Recommend - Including Some You've Probably Never Heard Of

Proper oral care is a lifelong process that dentists discuss with their patients at every 6-month check-up. You're probably used to hearing the traditional advice and tips that dentists provide, such as flossing, brushing two or three times daily, and using a mouth guard if you're a nighttime teeth grinder. But there are plenty of other oral care tips that you may never have heard of and that are easy to incorporate into your life. Check out these little known oral care tips that are also recommended by dentists.

1) Drink with a straw.

 This is a helpful rule of thumb when drinking sugary drinks such as soda or juice, plus drinks that can stain the teeth, like coffee or even red wine. You may not like the idea of drinking a glass of Cabernet through a straw, but you can still minimize the chance of staining by drinking a glass of water while drinking red wine.

 2) Dry your toothbrush thoroughly.

 Make sure air can circulate around your toothbrush in between cleanings so that it can dry out thoroughly. Bacteria love to grow on constantly wet surfaces, such as a brush that lives on a wet countertop. Try standing it up in a bathroom cup to ensure it has the chance to dry out every day.

3) Eat strawberries!

 They not only taste great, but they are also known for their whitening power. Instead of turning to chemical whiteners, try incorporating strawberries into your diet for a natural cleaning and whitening boost. Rub them over your teeth for the best results.

4) Brush your teeth after drinking dark liquids. A general rule of thumb is that if a liquid is dark in color it's more likely to stain your teeth. This is true for everything from grape juice to black tea to red wine, and more. Make sure to brush thoroughly after enjoying any of these beverages.

5) Eat an apple.

 They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but dentists also recommend eating the handy fruit. Apples have lots of fiber and are a relatively low sugar fruit, but they also have a great cleaning texture that gently and naturally scrubs off residue on your teeth.

6) Drink water.

 Drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps your mouth cleaner and fresher. It clears out any food particles that may be left behind after a meal or snack plus stops bacteria from building up. It also washes away sugar and can stop enamel damage that results from eating too many sweets or sugary drinks.

7) Use apple cider vinegar and baking soda for a natural boost.

 Try gargling with apple cider vinegar a few times a week before doing your normal brushing routine. It's a natural stain remover and teeth whitener, plus has great anti-bacterial properties that will help keep your mouth clean and healthy. Brush with baking soda just once a week for a whitening boost!
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Oral Care for Your Healthy Mouth

How do you brush your teeth? No, really - how? I often ask patients this question and a common answer is â€Å"back and forth”. Many patients also believe that the harder they brush, the cleaner they can get their teeth.

The truth is, brushing too hard in the wrong way can damage your teeth, gums and bone. Scrubbing horizontally can create grooves in your teeth.

A healthy method to brush your teeth, gums and mouth are in little circles. This prevents the formation of grooves in your teeth and major forms of gums recession.

A Whole-Mouth Clean is as Easy

 You know the drill. You brush twice a day, you floss (some of the time), and you rinse--but occasionally you forget. You do many of the things you know are good for a healthy mouth. But you can do better! All it takes are small changes to your routine.

Here are a few simple things you can do to get a healthier mouth:

Replace your toothbrush every three or four months--sooner if the bristles are frayed. A worn toothbrush won't do as good a job of cleaning your teeth. Keep a few extra toothbrushes, so you can easily swap the old for the new. Visit your dentist twice a year for professional cleanings and oral exams. The more you go, the healthier your mouth will be--and those visits will seem less daunting.

Maintain a healthy oral-care routine. Make it a goal this week to brush and rinse twice in one day, and floss once. That extra 30 seconds of swishing will make your mouth so clean and healthy; you'll love the feeling and do it again the next day.

 Beyond Brushing

So now you know to go circular with your brushing, it’s important to choose the proper toothbrush for your mouth (ask your dentist for recommendations) and good toothpaste. Doing these two things can chemically alter your mouth to resist the â€Å"bad” germs - in a good way! But brushing your teeth doesn’t mean your entire mouth is clean. There are approximately 3,000 species of bacteria (germs) in the mouth that can grow at the rate of 20 billion per hour.

The truth here is that brushing your teeth only accounts for 5 percent of the surface area of the mouth. So I advocate brushing your entire mouth. Here’s how to do it


• Brush you front, back, sides, tops and bottoms of every tooth

• Brush your inside cheeks

• Brush your palate (roof of the mouth)

• Brush the top, sides and underneath the tongue

• Brush the floor of the mouth • Brush your inside lips

• Rinse with water

I times a day, brush 7 times a day. Now I realize it may not always be practical to brushing during school classes, business meetings, etc. So we previously discussed the 7-minute window.

 Rinsing with water within 7 minutes of food and drink helps to minimize acid destruction to your teeth and gums. Brushing is the best; rinsing with water is a healthy alternative. The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. The cleaner the mouth, the cleaner and healthier the body. It’s your choice.

Recommend brushing your mouth after every snack and meal you have during the day.

Your Mouth, the Gateway to Your Body

 To understand how the mouth can affect the body, it helps to understand what can go wrong in the first place. Bacteria that builds up on teeth make gums prone to infection. The immune system moves in to attack the infection and the gums become inflamed. The inflammation continues unless the infection is brought under control. Over time, inflammation and the chemicals it releases eat away at the gums and bone structure that hold teeth in place. The result is severe gum disease, known as periodontitis. Inflammation can also cause problems in the rest of the body.
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